This year Rongaali Bihu was celebrated in a big way by the Assamese Community of the United Arab Emirates. It was only due to the active participation and support of every member that not only the function could be organized smoothly, it also turned out to be a big success. To mark the celebrations, this souvenir has been brought out by the " Axom Xamaj U.A.E" ("Assam Society of U.A.E."). Being a maiden effort on our part, the souvenir might be lacking in a few respects. However, since a beginning has been made in this direction, I feel this itself is quite an achievement. I am sure all of us would like to make this souvenir, along with the Bihu celebrations, an annual affair for the Assamese Community of U.A.E. Our original plans were to publish the souvenir in the traditional print media. However, a decision in favour of publishing it in the Internet was made for its possible wider circulation and accessibility. I would like to thank all the contributors who made this souvenir a reality by their valuable contributions. I would also like to convey my thanks to Arman Hazorika for his help in editing, Rashid Ahmed for his excellent work with web design and also hosting of the web page. I am also thankful to Pankaj Shah and Rajeev Borah for providing the photographs of the Bihu function for use in the souvenir.
Dilip Kumar Borah 29th May, 1999 Dubai |