This web souvenir has been brought out on the occasion of the Rongali Bihu, 2001 celebrated in the United Arab Emirates, by the Assam Society, Dubai.(Asm smaj, iubahH  ). The following are the articles included in the souvenir:

Manuhe Manuhor Babe  (@)          by  Dr. (Smt.) Sumati Changkakoti, Dubai.

Qawali(@)                                         by  Arman Hazorika, Dubai.

The Search - A Poem                       by  Mahmud Zaman Laskar, Dubai.

'A Night with Turtles...'                by   Dr. Bipul Chandra Bhuyan, Muscat, Oman.

'Knowing Oman and UAE ....'        by  Col. (Retd.) Mahananda Medhi, Dubai.

'Just a Passing Thought'               by   Dr. Utpal Kumar Kataky, Dubai.

@ articles in Assamese


Please also read our Bihu Souvenirs of earlier years:

            Souvenir 1999

            Souvenir 2000